We had the best fucking time in London, seeing The Cure, and hangin' with our COF/Meebo/Flickr continuum contingent. Below are just a SLIVER of the memories we created. Please, leave comments about your own memories, and if need be, we'll create a new post to add those in.
((((((((((((((((((((Cure orgy))))))))))))))))))))
While changing into Rev's "Robert is My Homeboy" t-shirt, Cat announced to everyone, "Now you get to see my huge nipples." When Regina saw them, she said, "I didn't know anyone else had nipples just like mine" and proceeded to show hers, which did indeed resemble Cat's. That led to AT showing her nipples, which were also similar. Cat really wanted to Flickr them in a Nipple Line-Up so DJ could play Match the Nipple with the Loldork, but was told it was a bad idea.
A drunken Crystal when Jayne disappeared for five minutes: "Jayne, where are you? Jayne, I miss you."
A drunken Crystal: "Lemme just drink the rest of my wine." Jayne and Cat to Crystal in response, while grabbing her cup away, "NO!"
A drunken Crystal in bed: "Alllllliison, come here." Cat arrived to see Crystal wrapped up like a cocoon in bed. Cat went to tell the others that we should take ix of her like a cocoon and Regina said, "And in the morning she will emerge like a Caterpillargirl."
On the tube one day, there was a delay. The announcer came on and said, "There has been an incident which has caused a delay. We are sorry for the inconvenience." We assumed he was referring to something serious, like someone who jumped onto the tracks, or a mugging, or even a murder. The announcer came back on to say, "We don't know if you've heard but there has been an incident involving a poster. A poster on the wall was falling off and the trains passing by were peeling off the poster. We are working on a solution and we regret the inconvenience the delay has caused." The entire crowd on the train continued to quietly read their newspapers and contemplate the meaning of life. WTF?
Cat on tube, perhaps a bit loudly: " I really want to go to Veg-ASS." Whole train suddenly quiet.

"Sometime I'll tell the story of how I met my first husband in an alley way while I was peeing."
Was heard in mid-paragraph to say, "That was after I got arrested for the first time."
Regina, loudly, to whole table (quoting Mullholland Drive): "Silencio, silencio, silencio. NO HAY BANDA!"
Tina to Cat: "Cat, can Crystal have another beer?"
After Tina had told the waitress it was Tony's and Cat's birthdays recently, and cake was brought out, the waiters said: "These are for Tanya and Tat."
Cat to Jayne, regarding her impending date with Allan: "No shagging on the second date." Jayne to Cat: "What about a BJ?" Cat to Jayne: "No, that's third date material."
Jayne to group: "I will be with you all day." We proceeded to mimic her throughout the day: "AWWWWWL DYE"
Crystal to Jayne: "I want my coffee with cream." Jayne to Crystal: "We don't call it cream, we call it powdered milk." Crystal: "But it's not milk."

"Minty, what is the address to the restaurant so I can give it to my mum?"
"Minty, call Rev and tell them the address to the restaurant"
"Minty, did you call Rev?"
"Minty, what is on the list of things to see?"
"Minty, where are we going next?"
"Minty, have we done everything on the list?"
Regina to Tony: "Tony, where are you going? This is not the right way."
Regina to Tony: "Tony, why are we taking the tube? It's only five minutes away."
Tony to Cat: " I offer my house to you lot, and I get the most abuse of anyone."

Minty got coffee for everyone at LEAST twice
Minty got all the coats in the coat check at the Brit Museum

When asked to hurry up so we could go sight-seeing, Crystal, eating a Tim Tam, said, "You can't rush a Tim Tam."
"Mind the Cock"
"I can haz [insert object or person of desire]?"
Minty to Cat: "Can I fold myself up into your suitcase?"
Regina to Minty, later: "Can you fold yourself up into my suitcase?"
Regina to Minty and Cat: "Tomorrow I'll go with Debi shopping while you all go sight-seeing. Minty, what do you want to do?" Minty: "I'd like to go sight-seeing if at all possible." Cat to Minty: "We'll see if there is space for you in our group for that."
Cat and others, randomly, to people in group: "I want to scrum you UP. Scrum scrum scrum scrum."
Regina, after seeing the Cockfoster's sign: "Just how do you foster a cock anyway?"
Cat to Regina: "You have a harsh beauty."
Tony to Cat about Regina: "She is darkly scrummable."
Tony to group: "Jayne's credit card has been cloned. She'll have to cancel it and get a new one." Crystal to Tony: "Her credit card was clowned? How do you clown a credit card?"
Cat to Regina: "You are rather Nazi-esque at times, but your wit redeems you."
Crystal to Regina: "You are the sweetest Nazi I know."
Tony to Cat: "Fuck dat shit."
Regina in Crawley pub: "I can haz this wine glass that Robert likely drank out of?"
Crystal to Cat: "That Babylon exhibit sucked." Cat: "No it didn't! It was good!" Later, Crystal to Cat, when Cat was being cheeky, "Yeah, well Babylon sucked ass!"
"Nom nom nom nom"